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FAQ's and Helpful Information


Q: What should vaulters wear to class?

A: With safety and comfort in mind, please wear the following to class:

  • Form-fitting t-shirt and leggings or sweatpants.

  • Running/tennis shoes for warm-ups, stretching and getting the horse ready

  • Vaulting shoes for vaulting (water shoes, ballet, tennis, or other soft shoes may be worn to the introductory lesson and first few classes)

  • Hair should be pulled away from the face. Long hair should be in a ponytail or bun.


Q: What should vaulters bring to class?

A: Please bring the following to class:

  • 1 release form (See PDF at the top right of this page) for each child/adult participating in a class or visiting our facility for the first time. 

  • Water bottle

  • Healthy snack

  • Jacket or warm sweatshirt for cooler days

  • Sunscreen 


Q. I saw Cavalia and want to learn to do gymnastics and dance on horseback.

A. We recently welcomed members of the show "Cavalia" to our facility to share with them some of our skills and craft.  Their enthusiasm about what we do was a nice reminder of how wonderful our sport is.  We love to share this amazing equestrian activity and welcome the opportunity to teach equestrian vaulting to everyone at every experience level 


Q. Is Vaulting a Safe Sport?
A. Yes, according to the American Vaulting Association (AVA), vaulting is not only the safest of the equestrian sports, it is documented safer than riding bicycles, playing on playground equipment, participating in baseball and softball, skating, soccer, and trampolines. Vaulting is always done in a very controlled environment—in a fully enclosed arena, in a consistent, large circle, in soft footing, with the horse attached to a "longe" line and controlled by an experienced trainer (called a longeur). The horse, longeur and vaulter work as a team, with the longeur controlling the horse, the horse performing at a continuous gait (either walk, trot or canter, depending on the vaulter level). The vaulter performs a series of gymnastics and dance moves on the horse as it moves in its circle. Additionally, vaulters are taught to condition their bodies with stretching and strengthening exercises and are also taught safe mounts and dismounts at all levels. Also, most exercises are learned on a stationary apparatus, called a vaulting barrel, before they are performed on the horse. 


Q: Is previous riding or gymnastics experience required to vault?
A: No previous experience is required to begin vaulting. Vaulting programs are not only for competitive teams, but also include recreational groups, Pony Clubs, 4-H Clubs and therapeutic vaulting programs. 


Q: What age can my child start vaulting lessons?
A: In general, four-years-old is a great age to begin vaulting! One of the nicest things about our wonderful sport is that vaulters can be pre-schoolers or adults—and any age in between! Vaulting will provide an excellent introduction to horses and equestrian skills for your child. It will also help develop strong skillsets of Coordination, Balance, Strength, Creativity, Teamwork, Responsibility, Trust and Self-Confidence.


Q. What skills does vaulting help develop?
A. Equestrian vaulting develops Coordination, Balance, Strength, Creativity, Teamwork, Responsibility, Trust and Self-Confidence.

  • Coordination, Balance, Strength: These core skills develop naturally over time as a result of stretching, gymnastics-style conditioning and time spent vaulting on the horse. Over time, our coaches help to fine-tune these skills so that each student can reach their full potential.

  • Creativity: Vaulting fosters creativity through artistic exploration, and elements of dance and music.

  • Teamwork: Vaulters learn to work together with both the horse and longeur; and in team competition, with each other as well.

  • Responsibility: Vaulters are responsible for a variety of horse duties each lesson (depending on vaulter age and level). These duties might include brushing, feeding and watering the horse, putting the equipment on the horse, walking the horse to cool it down after a lesson, and cleaning out the horse's stall.

  • Trust: Vaulters learn to trust their longeur, their horse, and, most importantly, each other. As vaulters mature in the sport, trust in their teammates also grows.

  • Self-confidence: How does one not have self-confidence when you can stand on the back of a moving horse!



Q: Does F.A.C.E. encourage long-term competitive vaulters?
A: If your child becomes passionate about vaulting and is interested in further opportunities that only competitive vaulting provides, we are pleased to offer the opportunity to continue onto our competitive Development and then High-Performance Team Programs. If we feel your child is ready for our competitive programs, we will definitely let you know as well. We do encourage getting involved in competitions, however, like all sports, we respect that the decision to commit both the additional time and finances to progress to a competitive level is a personal family decision.



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©2017 Free Artists Creative Equestrians. 

Free Artists Creative Equestrians
(818) 429-2115



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